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Haute NYE Looks For The Kim (Kardashian), Kate (Moss), Jennifer (Aniston) and Cameron (Diaz) in all of us…or What are Kim, Kate, Jennifer and Cameron wearing on New Year’s Eve?

In Celebrity personal appearences, Fashion Blog, Fashion news, Fashion trends, Hollywood Update, New Years Eve Fashions, Style and fashion trends, Uncategorized on December 29, 2009 at 5:45 am

Who are you going to be for New Year's Eve??

…So like every other new year’s holiday it becomes a battle in your head.

The familiar refrain begins such as

 I -don’t- have- plans- yet…I- am- not sure- what- everyone- else- is doing- yet battle,

the I- don’t like -any- of- the- options- being-presented objection,

then there’s I- hate- new years- but- I- don’t- want- to- stay- home- watching- Kathy Griffin- trying- too- hard-to- be- controversial arguement,

Ms Griffin and Mr Cooper NYE 2008. KG seen here in strategic comtemplation on how she can steal the moment/evening/week from AC thereby extending her fame a few minutes more by employing gratutious controversy and vulgar jokes. Compelling reason enough to leave the house.

and the ever popular I- am- fat- from- all- the- holiday- food- cookies- candy- sprinkles- gingerbread- eggnog- lattes- and- have- no- idea- how- I- will- shoehorn -my- body- into- anything,

and finally my personal favorite the I- hate- new- years- but- I- like- the- clothes- so- I- need- to- build- an- event- around -the- dress- I -need- a- good- excuse- to- buy….

 Familiar?? I for one have uttered each of these statements silently in an obssessive duel between my practical nature that knows better than to expect really cool things to happen surrounding this holiday and my A type personality which in the past has taken matters in hand and has either thrown parties even  Diddy would admire or I have made sure I am off to NY or some foreign country to see what they’re doin for New Year’s Eve…

For the record, come on… we’re women. We re genetically predisposed to overthink and overanticipate this holiday. Ive worked my way through the 12 steps to getting off this holiday addiction… but I confess I still fall off the wagon now and again. This year its Sam Edelman’s SKY HIGH  black suede platform pumps encrusted with black, grey and clear crystals  …Georges V anyone??? Look, I can quit anytime I want…

So… dear friends who are struggling I have a few thoughts on NYE glamour for each of the style icons we have covered in the “Who is your style icon” exercise on this very blog…

Who do you want to be when the big ball drops??!!? Here’s a few ideas to get your glamour girrrrrrrl to come out and play!!

Lil Kim / Big Kim (Kardashian) Styles for “The Bombshell”

Go for the Gold...leggings and gold, 2 big trends that go great together!

The Iconoclast (left) The Bombshell (right) these 2 friends showed upto shop for NYE looks and within 10 minutes it was clear they had found THEIR iconic looks for the evening! Dress and skirt by Laroc. It's hard to see here but the clothing is comprised of metalic pailettes which shimmer and flutter alluringly! Definately a party showstopper!

Kate (Moss) Chloe (Seveigny… enough with the Kardashians pleez!) and SJP.

 Channeling The Iconoclast

a great dress deserves great boots! The high low textural contrast between this shimmering Jenny Han dress and strong leather shoe boots strike just the right note of rebellion...

For the Kate Moss boho sensibilty, apres ski lodge party for 2 or anywhere in the midwest...

Options for The LA Woman…

Studded leggings a boyfriend blazer and plaid...Grunge Moderne....

Metal chain top and Goth leather jacket courtesy Nikki Sixx and Kelly Grey of Royal Underground.

Going to the Key Club Re opening on New Years are you...here's a hott idea that will give you access uhm maybe even all access...Metal Chain Top and Goth Leather Jacket courtesy Nikki Sixx and Kelly Grey of Royal Underground

Lest we forget, Dear Modern Classicist, this holiday is yours! Between all the highly dramatic LBDs, restrained but luxurious use of sequins, paillettes and feathers, my dear, this is a Holly Go Lightly Holiday on parade! Here are but a few examples of moderrn chic that pay serious homage to Grace and Audrey…  

A little David Meister in the evening is a very good thing!

Holly Go Lightly redux by Marc Jacobs. A girly yet ultimately sophisticated sheath and a field if organza rosettes on the sleek but softly tailored skirt. Ladylike refinement for the urban fashionista...

Finally Styles Cool Sister, Ms Casual Chic vis a vis Jenn, Cam and Cindy are the impossible chic epitome of american style. Here’s how it looks when this girl goes out on the town…

Easy, Breezy and Flirty Fun for the Boho Casually Chic Girlie Girl. A sensous Milly LBD! I see shoe boots or the gorgeous flat heeled coach riding boots with this one for a little contrast...

This is a Cameron Diaz style for the quirky but casual girl. This is actually more dramatic and delicate in person. The fact that I am completely distracted and annoyed by the fact that this model’s legs are so long and thin that she has a gap as wide as the Holland Tunnel between her thighs is not helping my mood one bit…the black nets are tacky too… Cindy or Jenn would wear perfectly tanned bare legs, gorgeous pedicure and effortlessly chic sandals as the perfect accessory but then again it’s 70 in so cal right now : )

This is shown as a top but it really shines as a shimmery simple chic shift best worn alone (think Cindy Crawford getting married barefoot on the beach, only different or as a great layering piece under a simply elegant boyfriend jacket or evening coat.

So there you have it , a few moments of sanity for a very tricky holiday. Best advice? (not that you asked) Be comfortable and be very much your gorgeous self ! It’s a long night (life) so you might as well wear what shows you to your best advantage, your personal style and confidence!

For shopping info on these looks and more contact me here…your cyber stylist is at your service and wants the details on your NYE!

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